Thursday, January 12, 2012

So much to learn, so little time.

As of late I have found myself with a great deal of free time.  At first I thought this would be a great opportunity to buckle down and fine tune my programming skills.  Unfortunately, however, the shear amount of information available on the web is quickly becoming overwhelming.

Where should I focus?

Java Swing / UX Design
Scala / Scheme
Discrete Math / Combinatorics
Data Structures / SQL
Shell Scripting

Monday, January 9, 2012

Am I up for the challenge?

I am currently considering jumping headfirst into an advanced level course on Algorithms.  My only formal CS training to date is the introductory course I took last semester.  I have, however, made ample use of online course materials from MIT, Stanford, and Harvard.  I believe that with access to this material along with communities like the Stack Exchange network I can succeed.  It will be hard.  There is no doubt about that.  But I think the challenge will be good for me.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

How do you rank as a programmer?

I recently stumbled upon the Programmer Competency Matrix, which essentially allows you to rank your programming expertise in a number of different areas.  Looks like I have some work to do...

The chart is quite large so I've decided to work my way through it piecemeal, isolating the areas where I need the most work.  I'll start with the first block:

 Data Structures - somewhere between 1 and 2.  Arrays Linked Lists I can grasp, but could use some work on hashing and tree structures.  Need to find a resource here...

Algorithms - solid 1 here.  Currently working my way through MIT's Intro to Algorithms course online.

Systems Programming - again a 1.  Memory, compiler/interpreter stuff is good.  Need work in the final points, esp threading, kernal specific stuff, and assembly.

I hope to continually update this post with resources I find for each area, eventually creating a sort of  directory for those wishing to round out their skill sets.